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Sabtu, Oktober 13, 2018

Struggling against the distance and time that has no results

When we first start falling in love and ending up breaking up. We have gone through this together, and scratched it again so that one day we can change with another lover.

When we first start a relationship

Full color. We make so many of our best stories to maintain mutual relationships, and we also scrap the beautiful words to support each other and also we pray that God will keep our relationship. But other God's plans sometimes.

First Impression

Inseparable Soul
The ocean separates the land, not our heart. (Munia Khan)

When the relationship is running but separated by distance

When the relationship is being fine again we are full by paying attention sincerely so that our partners remain faithful and mutually reinforcing. although the distance separates.

The Perfect Couple
We are a perfect partner, it's just that we are not in a perfect situation. (Anonim)
Still Have You

Meaning of Loneliness
Loneliness is not a feeling when you are alone. Loneliness is a feeling when no one cares. (James Merrow)
True Love 
True Love does not mean inseparable. It's okay to separate, as long as nothing changes. (Wayne Dyer)
Feelings Are Your Own Affairs
I love you, let this be my business. How are you with me, whatever, that's your business. (Pidi Baiq)
My Wish
I want to sleep now and I want to marry you someday. Good night. (Zarry Hendrik)

When the relationship starts to be unstable between distances

When we are no longer romantic or not mutually reinforcing. We will also make stories with words that are different to keep in touch.

Asmara Relationship

Sorry, That's not Enough
Sorry, it's not enough. Sometimes you have to really change. (Anonim)
Love Takes Struggle
There is no great love without a great struggle (Piash)
Stop Being Selfish
Don't want to be selfish, but understand each other. Don't want to win by yourself, but introspect each other. (Anonim)
The Relationship Must be endeavored
Love cannot suddenly exist, like a stone. It must be made. Like a loaf: it will always be remade to produce a new one.

Get motivation when we are separated, also by distance and time

After the love we live is no longer smooth and we decide to separate, we are upset and sad. We think we should not date. Many sacrifices are in vain and we protect and sacrifice for other people's mate.

Wait or Move
Good things come for those who wait. But even better things come to those who move to get them. (Anonim)
Revealing Beautiful Things in You
A person who loves you will reveal beautiful things in you, things that you didn't realize before, things that other people might not need. (Steve Maraboli)
Do not Wait 
Don't make your busy life make you forget someone who needs your attention. (Anonim)
Regret always comes slow. However, the lessons that we get today strengthen us in more direction for good mates in the future.

There is no need to blame yourself and do not need to be upset, everything will be fine, if we take it seriously we will be carried away by longing and feeling guilty.

Everyone does the same story. When it comes to love, if it's not a mate, we try and sacrifice is the way we will not be together. Because God has provided a mate according to His plan. We will meet and be happy together.

We must make a story to make life more meaningful. And will make us understand in a moment, then improve each other from experience.

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